Yeah, training's been a bit patchy....

Saturday, March 26, 2011

wheels weekend

Big run in Kings Park Saturday, while the kid was at singing / dancing class - this is turning into a bit of weekly torture in the heat, bu the trail variation is good fun. Getting to know the park layout better, so there's a few sections that are just plain old grind, then others that allow a bit of "Yippee" - flat out blast - usually with the legs flinging about just to stay upright. The combination of the sand slog and the bursts of quick-step make for a good tough session.

After the customary hot chips at Matilda Bay when class gets out, we fell in the water several times off the end of the marina pontoon. This kept the kid laughing and softened my calves, which were a bit unhappy with my running style.

Matilda Bay - Hot chips with salt water

As an aside.......things I've decided I dislike:
  1. $10 minimum charges to pay by card in a shop. I don't carry cash, and being screwed by stores too tight to offer a decent service ticks me right off. If there was any option - I'd always go elsewhere.
  2. kicking a big jellyfish while swimming. A truly odd and disconcerting sensation, particularly when it coincides with a big string of seaweed coiling around one's neck....... eek!
Big night out at a Western Austrlaian Symphony Orchestra (WASO) performance with the kid - wow! Our neighbour plays viola and helps us get in cheap. Took a walk during the last informal piece and found a spot in the choir stalls to watch from the orchestra's point of view - good fun.

Today is fuelling up - we both needed a big breakfast - cleaning around the house and prepping for a ride up the hills this afternoon. I'll take the fixie up Kalamunda hill to Roleystone again and run around the river loop on the way back to bring the total up to the century. No doubt there'll be a report later.....

(really I'm trying to emulate IW - who powered through 141 MILES today in pouring rain.......sheesh...)

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