Yeah, training's been a bit patchy....

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

9 weeks

This week marks 9 weeks till race day. All is going well thus far, with speed sessions becoming more routine and the focus now turning to major mileage. Each fortnight now sees the total increase by 4km, peaking at 48km in about a month.
Prior to this is the WA half marathon championships - should be a fun (and fast) day out.

Last night took me out for a cruisy city loop - I had to keep easing back, as the simple act of leaning forward starting bring up a smooth, hard pace which would've been a blast, but not productive at this time. Today was track day - quite a hot day, as opposed to wearing three shirts and a warm hat last night!
10 x 400m reps disappeared mercifully quickly, though they probably weren't all that fast.

A very interesting blog post popped up on runblogger today, examining criteria for successful transition to barefoot / minimal running. This made for entertaiing reading, as I fail one of the three and I'm a bit wobbly on one other. Maybe this reverse transition I seem to be enjoying right now is based on some dodgy genes...

The time investment in this training load is taking some toll at present on work, though not directly - rather due to my habit of sitting up late and not sleeping terribly well. sigh....
To remind me, here's a pic of my office, taken at the height of mess. This uses the iphone panorama app called photosynth, but I must say the results aren't as fancy as the old samsung.

The Orifice.

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