Yeah, training's been a bit patchy....

Thursday, February 23, 2012

LDR x 3

The Long Distance Run.

All these little runs are stirring the itch to don the waterbag and head for the trails. Alas, this means it's time to crack the piggybank for a pair of low-drop trail shoes, since the kinvaras aren't going to last long on the rocks.

My feet are feeling a bit hammered this week. The 13k on Sunday added a pair of nice blisters under the 4th toe of each foot, a sign of poor landing, I think, and since then they've just felt a bit generally sore. My first time on the bike in a month reminded me of how narrow my bike shoes are, too, with pins and needles from the first few minutes. There'll be no dipping into the pig for bike shoes, though - they're part of the "volagi reward package", that will be my treat for getting my business out of financial strife.

Anyhoo.... Back to the trails - it'll be dry and dusty out on the Bibbulmun, so it may be cooler to take the historic railway trail to York instead. I need to find a suitably masochistic training partner.

Thus, the other LDR - the long distance relationship.... Rita is ploughing through major workouts gearing up for IM Brazil, constantly making a mockery of the shambles I'm calling training just now, so it's fun to hear about. The long slow process of bring our worlds together continues, with fingers and toes always crossed for the bits of good news in our work lives that will set the scene for the future. Being away sucks like nothing else, but it'll sure be worth it when we're back.

And the last LDR? The kid kept up a good pace (and a solid conversation) for 13.5k on the bike (long distance ride? Ok. I know I'm stretching it) on the weekend, and is asking for more, with a view to one of the kids triathlons this year. That makes for a happy dad.

All is well.

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