Yeah, training's been a bit patchy....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

11 minutes

Day 2 of the return. 11 minutes barefoot.
Again felt great. No pain or discomfrt at all - not the achilles nor the ankle saddles from yesterday. A bit of rubbing on the soles - feeling more like blisters this time, though no blood. I'll probably take tomorrow as my rest day, just to give my skin a break and avoid any stops.

Ice, pushups and situps again topped off a good hour workout - handy when it's all so close to home, because the kid can join in and not get bored.

Here's a good part from today:

The groovy little cups (they're ceramic, short black size) are from Mebourne - Thanks Rebecca!
A couple of these, plus two new clients very willing to keep me busy, made for an envigorating day.

I'm feeling additionally inspired after chatting via skype with a lady in America who nips out for ironman-distance-plus training every other day. Crikey! Maybe I should drag my lazy butt to the pool and spend some time trying not to drown - the kid wants to go on the weekend, so Sunday morning looks good, after my race marshall duties at the WAMC race.
There's a lot of people in this world with an astonishing capacity for extreme training loads and being polite at the same time.......... I'll work on being polite first.

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