Yeah, training's been a bit patchy....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Secret herbs and spices...

The recipe for an excellent night:
Cool-ish night, no wind, plenty of stars, empty paths, happy feet, a good set of podcasts (thanks to and a good day behind me.
A 13 minute run just didn't seem right tonight, so I went for a wander. The usual 12.5km river loop with the last 5km barefoot was the result. Magic.
This was slow - dead slow at 1:19:39 for the loop, but the focus on technique made it a pain-free, blister-free effortless run.  Not quite the "float", but darn close.
Barefooting in the dark seems much easier for me - perhaps I am simply forced to not contend with the years of conditioning to watch for the microscopic spiky stone that will cripple me. A few of the paths back from the causeway and through Burswood were flooded with the high tide tonight, s sploshing through was quite fun (and nicely cooling).

I read this week something about technique being much more important for novice barefooters than toughening feet, in terms of getting started without blisters. Given my short history now of unfocused short run = blisters and focused longer run = perfect, I must agree.

The ankles are up on blocks with some icepacks for a while now - a bit of preventative treatment, but they feel pretty good so far.

The day was good because a lot of ugly work passed across the desk without too much angst and a couple of spectacular medium (no longer short) blacks were authorised by the manager (me) and delivered by the in-house wait-staff (me) by the barista (me).

Yesterday saw a return to old favourites - manning a water station / turnaround point at a club event. This one was a 5km and 16km  WAMC event, with some mighty fast frontrunners belting out the 16k. Apart from the fact that I failed dismally to enable one of the leaders to get any water during the run, it was great. I don't think he suffered serious injuries.....
Nice to be amongst it again.

And , yet agin, fate would have it that my stop was manned by a series of ironmen and women. There's no escaping them.... or the pool....

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