There hasn't been a great deal of running in this here running blog in recent times - the fear and loathing inspired by Sunday's run must be lingering.
A little barefooter (4km) with the Kid yesterday morning (I wasn't about to let her watch cartoons after she woke me up early!) helped get the legs back in running gear, but my feet were surprisingly tender, making a short run a somewhat painful affair. No rubbing, just tenderness, so not a result of poor form.
Motivation for running drops off when work picks up, then other bad habits creep in - this week, the salami sandwich at Milkd was The Borg (explanation here if you don't get the reference) - there was no way round it. Note the sneaky way the coffee always seems to accompany this fine specimen...
While getting comfortable spending money I don't have on food I can make at home (see below for clarification), I also ordered Barefoot Ken Bob's new book from Amazon "Barefoot Running Step by Step" - the forums are awash with praise and questions, so I had to see what the fuss is about. Most likely he says "just get out and have a go" - it's a cheap book, so maybe.......
This weekend is Easter, so there's a family picnic in place. As per (new) tradition, I dobbed myself in for a jelly - here is this occasion's offering - banana layers in mango jelly. If I can keep the Kid's fingers out of it till the picnic, it might be another success.
Oh, and the home made salami sandwich? I burnt it.
And no, I'm not a Trekker.
Or a Trekkie.
Do you have the recipe for the mango jelly? :) Look amazing!