Yeah, training's been a bit patchy....

Thursday, January 6, 2011


For tonight's run? It must be....
I came home early from work today to do the domestics - shovel the dishes back into the sink (they were on their way t the door), peel the dry washing out of the washing machine and scoop the sand off the floors before the dune patterns got too noticeable. It was one of those days that raced by, with one single-minded goal - finish a little repair job for a mate in Brisbane. Sure, it was vastly over-engineered, but why use some araldite and a pop stick when theres's a perfectly good milling machine and lots of shiny, shiny steel....
Here's a pic - all I needed to do was repair little broken plastic lugs.

I couldn't resist but put a little logo on the side - a shameless plug on a piece of kit that will remain safely invisible for the rest of it's service life. Perhaps I'm not doing this promotional thing right......
While of no value to the business or to my income, this made for a thoroughly enjoyable day. The parts arrived in an airbag at 10am, and needed to be repaired and on the way back by 5pm. It all happened with plenty of time, but that surge of sharp focus was fairly exhausting. When the airbag left my hands at the post office, coming home for the domestics was the best I could do.
Late lunch is subsiding (chicken kebab with hot chilli suace - champion food, huh?), so the run, (60 minutes, including 35 mins hard) is coming up soon.

~ Pause ~

And there it was. Identical course to Tuesday night, 57 minutes neat, felt much. much stronger than Tuesday, but not near as smooth and fast as last night's "easy" run. Until my base fitness catches up, these day to day variances will be frustrating. Sigh.

While running, I was thinking about spreading oneself thinly. Really, I have it easy. I had dinner with a single mum of three little 'uns - full time - with a high level job and (ugh) bosses, plus international commitments that continue through the night. Me, spread thin? Nah.  I have time for fishing on weeknights.
There really is no excuse to not hammer this marathon. There are always convenient reasons to slack off, but mostly, it's just fear of not meeting my own expectations.

Making Muesli (now that's off on a tangent!):
1 cup slivered almonds
1 cup shredded coconut
2 cups cornflakes
2 cups rice bubbles
2 cups rolled oats
2 cups rice bran
1 cup raisins
1 cup walnuts
1/2 cup each linseed, cranberries, blue berries, goji berries and sunflower kernels
1/3 cup chia seed
3 tablespoons hot honey, mixed through.

This also makes great snack bars, with a slightly different mix including cornmeal, which seem to be pretty gentle pre-run fuel. I'll make another bucket of muesli tonight, then tomorrow, I am going to search for running "gels" - the squeezy sachets that lots of marathoners talk about. Need to determine if there are a wank. Word is 4 of them will fuel a marathon, so I may experiment on one after each hour for any run longer than 1:30.

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