Yeah, training's been a bit patchy....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


End of a week off.

Today I wore my fingens around he house and the achilles beagn to complain a little again.
My achilles and calf muscles are simply still too short, too taut and not adjusted to the extension of zero heel lift.
Short run up to East Perth and stop to watch the Asustralia Day skyshow at the end f the run. Got a little cold sitting by the river for half an hour, but the sparkles were good - if only they put the intensity of the last 30 seconds into a 5 minute show, rather than dribbling it out for half an hour.....

Ice and elvation for 2 x 15 mins on return. No discomfort, but my imagination tells me there is a little swelling.....

I won't discard the minimalist goal too soon, but I need to be open to the possibility that I may be courting danger to persist with the minimalist marathons this year - the last thing I need is serious damage or a chronic injury.

Feeling like some recovery is needed in all sorts of areas right now........

I had some custom parts made today by an online firm called Shapeways (I won't give the link, since I don't feel a great desire to promote them). I designed the parts I wanted in CAD and sent them the file. In 10 days, I will receive 4 models - only prototypes, not fully functional devices, but useful for the stage I'm at - for the princely sum, including shipping, of $25! This is where it gets scary. Using a professional consulting designer, it would cost a client more for the designer to get online and place the order, than it does for shapeways to make the parts.
Makes running a design business hard - clients are devaluing "design" more and more, figuring they can use services like this to make stuff themselves. Unfortunately, there's a bunch more to it than that, but it's the non-glamorous, invisible background knowledge stuff that doesn't attract much attention or value. Hence, the clients make crap and the whole process and value of a "designed product" is forgotten a little more. We can't accept crap.


The video is of my milling machine in action, making what shapeways can make, but for 10 times the price.

Jump down off the soap-box now. This blog's about running, innit?

1 comment:

  1. this blog should be about whatever you need to vent about toonie! Your writing is fantastically engaging!
    I'm worried about your injury - I know! I'll send some spaghetti...on its way!
