Yeah, training's been a bit patchy....

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Just when you think you're under control, your feet don't hurt, you're writing esoteric blog posts and feeling cocky about being motivated, Mother Nature makes you sit in a boat with a wet bum and a blocked nozzle on the insect repellent bottle for 4 hours to catch one measly fish.

Unfortunately, there's no McBream on the menu at our local dining establishment, so it's burger and fries for me tonight.

Lots of time to think.......
From my experiments with my running balls, I've done a bit more searching to find out just what fuel is required and available for a long run. Various sites concur that an average adult runner would burn 1000 to 1500 KiloJoules per hour, and would need between 30 and 60g of carbohydrate to supply this. But carbohydrates ain't carbohydrates, so this got a bit tricky. There's simple sugars and more complex carbs, and there's low and high GI (how fast energy is released). Too much detail to bother with right now.

With a few assumptions, my current recipe, making 17g balls, offers 313 kJ and about 5.5g of total carbohydrate per ball. To be an average runner, I'd have to scoff at least 4 of these an hour to keep up. There's plenty else to look after without having to sort out a feed every 15 minutes, so something has to change.
I'll up the size of the ball to about 25g - still able to poke this size in, I think. I'll also scratch about for alternate recipes which offer something tasty with a bigger fuel hit.

Some among you will be wondering - where is this going?....... Well, I tried carrying the oblongs in a plastic baggie, and it worked, but was uncomfortable. If I make regular-sized balls with a regular-sized tool, then I only need a regular-sized holder on my shorts to stock up..........

Exactly this is what I do for a living.  A simple problem, with a simple solution and a shop full of equipment to make it happen in a hurry. I see an opportunity for some fun design and a website to collect recipes from the world. Watch this space.

Going paddling (not fishing) in the morning. This should give some exercise without straining the ankles. It'll actually be the first time I've jumped in the kayak without a real purpose, so should be fun.

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